"Bringing Together Divided Memory. Stories of Expulsion and Remaining"

"Bringing Together Divided Memory. Stories of Expulsion and Remaining"
Project presentation and panel discussion
Czechoslovakia, National Socialism and the expulsion of the German-speaking population 1937-1948: 37 life-story interviews conducted in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia as part of the project "Bringing Together Divided Memory" (2014-2016) document memories of this history up to the present. The testimonies were used to create an exhibition that was shown in numerous cities in the three partner countries in 2016-2019. Georg Traska (Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History, ÖAW), Terezie Vávrová (Antikomplex, z.s.) and Andrej Čierny (Antikomplex.sk) will discuss their work on this unique project and present selected interview sequences. Programm
Welcome and opening remarks
Dr. Gundula Bavendamm, Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
Project presentation and screening of interview sequences
Dr. Georg Traska, senior researcher at the Institute for Culture Studies and Theatre history, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Terezie Vávrová, director Antikomplex, z.s.
Andrej Čierny, project coordinator in culture, education and awareness, Antikomplex.sk and ECOLAS
Panel discussion with the project coordinators. Moderator: Barbara Kurowska, Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation.
Free admission
You are invited to a small reception afterwards.
An event in cooperation with: Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Antikomplex, z.s. in Prague, Antikomplex.sk in Banská Bystrica, Institute for Historical Intervention in Vienna.
Livestream of the event via the YouTube channel of the Documentation Centre.